Lavender Honey Icecream


  • 5 Cups milk (We used raw goat milk)

  • 2 Tsp Vanilla

  • 8-12 Drops Lavender essential oil (we used DoTerra)

  • 3/4 Honey

  • 3 Tbsp Dried Lavender

  • 1/4 Cup hot water

  • 4 Raw egg yolks

*Ingredients are approximate- flavor to your liking


First combine dried lavender and hot water to make a tea. You can either blend these together and strain, or let it sit long enough to give a strong enough flavor to the ice cream. (About 5-10 minutes to steep). While the “tea” is sitting, combine the rest of your ingredients in a large mixing bowl using a whisk or emulsifier. Once all ingredients are prepared, combine your lavender “tea” with the rest of your ingredients. Cover and chill in the fridge for about 1 hour or until cold. Once chilled, add to your ice cream maker and let the mix churn until it turns to soft-serve ice-cream consistency, Place into freezer to set for about 2 hours. Once finished, top with honey and dried lavender and enjoy!